yeah , yeah . just , trying to light a fire here . うん、うん ちょうど火を灯そうと
why don't you light a fire ? i'll be right out . 火か何かつけませんか すぐ戻るわ
and who would light a fire on such a warm morning ? それに あんな温かい朝に 暖炉に火をつける人っている?
let's just light a fire instead . 当たり前ですよ。 たき火しましょう たき火。
light a fire , get some glasses . 火をつけましょう グラスを用意して
if you light a fire 焚き火を― - 火は駄目だ
in jodo shinshu , there is no " mukaebi " (ritual to light a fire for welcoming souls of ancestors ), no " okuribi " (ritual to light a fire for sending off souls of ancestors ), and no " shoryodana " (ancestral tablet placed on a shelf and altarage in the bon festival ). (迎え火・送り火もなく精霊棚もない。
in jodo shinshu , there is no " mukaebi " (ritual to light a fire for welcoming souls of ancestors ), no " okuribi " (ritual to light a fire for sending off souls of ancestors ), and no " shoryodana " (ancestral tablet placed on a shelf and altarage in the bon festival ). (迎え火・送り火もなく精霊棚もない。